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Achieving Sustainable Growth:

Creating an organizational strategy that positions your organization to sustainably grow both its revenue and impact in today’s environment of substantial change involves many tough choices. 

Engaging internal and external stakeholders, challenging current assumptions, addressing evolving market trends and funder priorities, and creating a strategy that can be readily updated and refined over time are several steps that help organizations create a robust organizational strategy in today’s environment. 

We work as a partner with our clients to bring an outside perspective and facilitate an efficient, disciplined process to provide them with the insights and data to make complex choices.

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Addressing Competition & Building Sound Partnerships:

Many organizations today face the challenges of responding to greater competition and building mutually beneficial partnerships that increase their impact and performance. 

Enhancing your competitive advantage and crafting win-win partnerships require gathering strategic market knowledge to inform decisions about how you position your organization. We understand the field, major funders, and key stakeholders. 

We can efficiently gather strategic market information and bring insights and experience from across the sector.

Using Measurement to Inform Decisions & Communication:

To drive organizational performance, an organization’s leaders and managers need a set of useful, reliable, and sustainable measurement tools.

Selecting a few key metrics and measurement tools that provide actionable insights  and are supported by readily obtainable data is both a science and an art. 

We help our clients identify practical options for metrics and measurement tools and then select the set that best meets their goals and objectives.

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Incorporating Data and Technology Tools that Increase Value and Productivity:

The explosion of readily availability of data and rapid advances in digital tools offer both opportunity and challenges. 

Technology advances give organizations the capability to collect valuable data about the people and organizations that they serve. These data can inform planning and management decisions but can also overwhelm an organization if the volume grows beyond the organization’s capacity. New digital tools can help organizations glean valuable strategic insights from performance data, but they can paralyze an organization if their complexity exceeds its capacity to use them effectively.

We help our clients obtain sound technology advice about the data and tools that can best help them measure their impact and manage their performance.

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